Helpful Links
A diagnosis of prostate cancer is scary enough. You shouldn't have to worry about going through the journey alone, how and where to get your questions answered, how to educate yourself on the many available treatments and procedures or how you're going to pay for it all. We've compiled this list of resources to help you get started on your research. Many of these organizations and companies might fall into multiple categories, so we hope you'll take the time to browse what each has to offer.
Early Detection & Screenings
Support Groups
Visit these sites for information on early detection and free testing.
Whether in person or virtually, from the comfort of your own home, these groups provide support, guidance and mentoring.
Male Care (Men Helping Men)
Prostate Forum of Orange County (An Us TOO support group)
Clinical Trials
Information & Education
clinicaltrials.gov - This government site lists all the current open trials being conducted across the country and abroad.
HonorHealth Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials conducted by HonorHealth Innovation & Research Institute, Scottsdale
International and national organizations and coalitions, state government programs, medical centers and universities provide a wealth of prostate cancer information, guides and resources.
Paid Research Opportunities
Your doctor's office and specialty pharmacies have patient advocates who may be able to assist in finding low-cost sources, co-pay assistance or cash prices for procedures. Your place of worship might also have resources available. Sign up for a free account at FundFinder for current, real-time listings of available co-pay assistance you can apply for. Or input your info at the CFAC site for a customized list of resources.
Arizona Health Improvement Plan (HIP) Detailed Action Plan 2021-25
BagItCancer.org (medical records organizing kit)
Foothills Caring Corps (aging & disability support services)
National Alliance of State Prostate Cancer Coalitions & Prostatepedia Magazine
Radio / Podcasts / Webinars
Help be a part of the solution. Participate in paid surveys and interviews. Everyone can use a little extra cash! Field-tested by AZPCC board members and are legit.
Funding & Co-Pay Assistance
HAS PROSTATE CANCER EFFECTED YOUR LIFESTYLE? ¿ E L CÁNCER DE PRÓSTATA HA AFECTADO SU EST I LO DE VIDA? Please consider participating in this important compensated research study of Hispanic men through the University of Arizona. Flyer: in English - en Español
Cancer Support Community's Publication Frankly Speaking About Cancer/Coping with the Cost of Care (6th edition). Scroll down to the "Library" section.
NeedyMeds - search by diagnosis or search by medication